How does Microsoft Endpoint Protection protect against malware and viruses?

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN How does Microsoft Endpoint Protection protect against malware and viruses?

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  • #68314
    Rachel Gomez

    Microsoft Endpoint Protection (formerly known as Windows Defender) is an endpoint security solution designed to protect devices from various threats, including malware and viruses. Here are some ways it protects against these threats:

    Real-time protection: Microsoft Endpoint Protection provides real-time protection by continuously monitoring files and processes on the device for suspicious activities. It uses behavioral analysis and machine learning algorithms to detect and block threats in real-time.

    Virus and malware scanning: The solution also performs regular virus and malware scans to detect and remove any malicious files that may have been missed by real-time protection.

    Network protection: Microsoft Endpoint Protection includes a firewall that protects the device from network-based attacks and prevents unauthorized access to the device.

    Web protection: The solution also includes a web protection feature that blocks access to malicious websites and downloads, preventing the device from being infected with malware.

    To know more about Microsoft Endpoint Protection visit,

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