Any favorite vendors for a men’s ring?

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN Any favorite vendors for a men’s ring?

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  • #67758
    John Staples

    Hi there, came across this sub recently, and fell down the rabbit hole — and decided I want something I can wear on more formal occasions than my silicone rings.

    Looking through the sidebar vendor list, though, it seems like the selection for men’s rings is pretty slim, though I did find some on Etsy that I like.

    Not sure what the process is like if I want to buy a loose stone, and have a ring made, or what that would cost me compared to buying ready made, but I’m open to that too, if there’s a vendor that people really like.

    Thanks in advance!

    Kelvin Rearden

    That’s great

    Michalin Croove

    If you’re looking for something more formal than silicone rings, you can consider shopping at one of the vendors in the sidebar or getting a ring custom made using a loose stone. The process and cost may vary depending on the vendor you choose and what kind of stone you have in mind, so it’s worth doing some research to find the right option for you.

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