What is AWS?

Introduction Forums Teaching EnergyPLAN What is AWS?

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  • #80835
    Hrushikesh JOshi

    Tagging and Cost Allocation:

    Implement a tagging strategy for your resources. Tags allow you to allocate costs to specific teams, projects, or applications, making it easier to identify cost drivers.
    Use AWS Cost Explorer:

    AWS Cost Explorer provides in-depth cost analysis and visualization. Use it to identify cost trends, set budgets, and track costs over time.
    Monitor Idle Resources:

    Regularly review your resources for idle instances, volumes, and snapshots. Terminate or archive them when they’re no longer needed.
    Serverless Architectures:

    Consider serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and other serverless services. You only pay for the compute time used, which can lead to significant cost savings.
    Use Trusted Advisor:

    AWS Trusted Advisor provides cost optimization recommendations, including identifying unused resources and making Reserved Instance recommendations.
    AWS Course in Pune

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