What do you need to open a business account?

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN What do you need to open a business account?

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  • #46903
    Cermit Fellon

    Can anyone tell me what documents are needed to open a business account? I can’t find exact information anywhere.

    Bill Shiphr

    Look, I think you’re asking this question in the wrong place. Write to the bank’s technical support or take a closer look at the bank’s website.

    Alexander Zingman

    yes that’s right

    Frenk Lampard

    Well, it all depends on where you want to open a business account. I don’t work with traditional banks, so I can hardly tell you anything about it. But I opened a business account on the https://genome.eu/business-account/ platform, and for this, I only needed to provide my passport, company incorporation documents, proof of ownership, a phone, and a website. Opening an account, by the way, happens very quickly, within 72 hours.

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