How to Write an Impressive Assignment that Earns an A or B

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    Assignments are usually the most important part of your academic life. Many teachers choose assignments to be the deciding factor of the input put in by the student towards their education. Assignments are a way to test the competency of students. Many students face a hard time focusing on their assignments and online classes simultaneously so they ask different companies to paying someone to do my online class just so they can perform well on their assignments and get a high grade. To help you write an impressive assignment that will surely get you an A we have our experts to give you a complete guide on how you must approach an assignment. So gear up, it’s time to learn!

    1. Understand The Question
    It is very important to first of all pace down and read the question in its entirety. Don’t just skim through it and move on. Doing so might even result in failure. Not understanding the question completely might result in you approaching the topic in a direction that was not demanded by the teacher at all. So it is best for you to sit down, with complete attention and read the rubric multiple times. Once you have read it quite a few times, make sure you understand what it demands from you. If you fail to understand it or have some confusion, you must ask your teacher. Contact them and politely ask them to explain the rubric to you. Only after you have completely understood the topic must you move on.

    2. Conduct Research
    The next step is conducting research. Research has key importance in your assignment. You cannot just write the assignment based on the knowledge at the top of your head. Remember you are aiming for the highest grade and for that you must write a paper that is based on hard facts and comprehensive research. Therefore, you must sit down and dedicate your complete attention to the research. Look for all the articles that are relevant to your topic, read different studies done on similar or relevant topics to gain all-rounded insight. Don’t shy away from reading. The more you read the more information you will gather. To make your research more fruitful, jot down all the points that you can come up with while you do your research. More importantly make sure you also note down the references as they will be of great benefit later on when you are done with the writing of your assignment.

    3. Make An Outline
    Many students start writing their assignments as soon as they complete their research, they miss out on a crucial step which will later result in mix matched content and loss of train of thought. Before you write your assignment you must always design an outline that you will base your assignment on. The outline should include all the different paragraphs you are going to break your assignment into. Start with an introduction moving on towards the main body of the assignment finally ending it with a conclusion. It is best if you make a detailed outline along with all the solid points you will be making throughout your assignment. There is a lot of benefit of designing an outline. You can always refer to it if you feel lost when writing. It will help you stick to the topic and prevent you from straying off. Teachers always pay attention to the formulation of the assignment so if you wish to get the highest grade be sure that your assignment is perfectly formulated, making an outline will surely help you with that.

    4. Use Your Class Notes
    Even though you have conducted a lot of research it is still a great idea to use the material you have learned in class. Use your class notes to write your assignment. Teachers make great efforts in their lectures and it is mostly to the point along with several real life example that help you learn in a more efficient way. If you make use of the class notes and incorporate them in your assignments, it will please your teacher greatly and will support your arguments as you know for sure that this information is accurate. So keep your class notes beside you when you start working on your assignments.

    5. Writing Procedure
    Academic writing is not a walk in the park, you must be very vigilant on how you present your information. We suggest you to follow this format:

    • Introduction
    The introduction of your assignment should be very impactful. Start your assignment with a topic statement that clearly mentions the topic of your assignment and the points that you will be making. Make sure the stance you take is vivid and vagueness shows lack of knowledge. It is the best time to impress your teachers so make an effort to write your introduction as interesting as possible. Briefly mention the points that you will be making in the body of the assignment but do not expand on them and go in detail.

    • Main Body
    When writing the main body of your assignment make sure that you divide it evenly into different paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain a solid argument followed by supporting evidence. Do not make your paragraphs congested by introducing multiple arguments in the same paragraph. Choose one argument and expand on that. Start from the most important argument and then move on to the lesser important ones.

    • Conclusion
    Avoid giving your personal opinion in the body of your assignment. You must save that for the very end, that is the conclusion. Your conclusion should contain a brief summary of the whole assignment in a few sentences and then you must give your own personal take on the topic. Use evidence to prove why your take on the topic is sound and practical. Students often hesitate giving their viewpoints on the subject which the teachers presume is because they have a lack of understanding and have only written the assignment based on research. Therefore, do not forget to give our two cents on the subject.

    6. Use Jargon
    Using jargon is a good trick that is used to show the instructor that you have plenty of knowledge on the subject and completely understand the topic enough to know the jargon that only experts understand and are able to use flawlessly. Therefore, when writing, don’t use simple words but make an effort and use jargon to impress your teacher and give yourself an edge on the other students.

    7. Use Proper Citation
    Once you are done with the writing of the assignment you must cite all the sources that you have used to do your research. Use the proper referencing style that has been instructed by your teacher.

    8. Proofread And Edit
    Proofreading your work is as important as writing your assignment. It helps you weed out all the errors and you observe places where you can improve on in your assignment. Thus, after writing your assignment take a short break and proofread your assignment with a fresh mind. Later make the new edits and voila, you are all done!

    We certainly hope you get the grade you want, for further help if you need help with your online classes, come to us and say take my class for me our experts will surely provide you the best help.

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