Anti-fraud fingerprint system

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN Anti-fraud fingerprint system

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  • #46901
    Cermit Fellon

    It seems to me that these are some very modern technologies, because I don’t really understand how it works. However, I’d like to implement something similar in my company’s protection against fraudulent attacks.

    Bill Shiphr

    I haven’t even heard of that. Where will the company get its fingerprints from? It doesn’t sound very clear.

    Frenk Lampard

    Hello. Guys, apparently, I’m not in the subject at all because I’ve never heard of this either, and I’ve heard a lot, believe me. When I started doing business, I realized many things. And I especially understood the credit card processing machine thanks to this site , which helped me to do everything most convenient for my clients.

    Olman Grand

    Thanks to modern technologies and the companies that offer them we can resist fraud. For example, device fingerprinting from covery is just one anti fraud solution out of many, but even it alone will help track suspicious transactions, or immediately prevent fraud attempts. In addition, there are many other ways to mitigate the risks of fraudsters.

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