Other Tools

Links to Energy System Analysis Models

Below you will find descriptions of and links to a series of energy system analysis models. By presenting and linking to the models, we wish to disseminate knowledge on existing models and show the options available when conducting energy system analyses.

A very intuitive set of six tables that compare each of the tools with one another is available from the paper “A review of computer tools for analysing the integration of renewable energy into various energy systems”, which is available from Science Direct. Other studies have built on this work, such as the paper completed by van Beuzekom et al.

The tools have been divided into five primary groups:

  1. Global and International energy-system tools
  2. National energy-system tools
  3. Island energy-system tools
  4. Local community or single project energy-system tools
  5. Tools for All Scales

Global and International energy-system tools

National energy-system tools

Island energy-system tools

Local community or single project energy-system tools

All Scales